Showing 1–20 of 34 results
Essential oils are dynamic organic liquids that work in synergy with each other. Synergy means ‘working together in harmony’. In general, essential oils work better when mixed with other essential oils. Each essential oil has a multitude of compounds, and while we come to know them for their beneficial, healing properties, each oil also has weaker components that may even trigger adverse reactions in some people.
When blending essential oils, one oil can actually balance out the weaker parts of another, and even negate the possible side effects that oil could have if applied on its own. Aromatherapy is a highly individual experience; one person may simply react differently to an oil than another. I’m sure you’ve seen this when you’ve tried to have your husband or best friend sniff your latest essential oils purchase, only for them to wrinkle their nose at it and politely decline further interaction with said bottle.
Abundance 10ml
RM130.00 -
Anti-Depression 10ml
RM130.00 -
Anti-Flu 10ml
RM108.00 -
Anxiety 10ml
RM130.00 -
Balance 10ml
RM98.00 -
Body Slimming 10ml
RM148.00 -
Circulation System 10ml
RM118.00 -
Dengue Away 10ml
RM90.00 -
Detoxifying 10ml
RM108.00 -
Digestive System 10ml
RM108.00 -
Focus & Energy 10ml
RM108.00 -
Gout 10ml
RM130.00 -
Graceland 10ml
RM138.00 -
Hair Growth 10ml
RM118.00 -
Happy & Calming 10ml
RM130.00 -
Immune System 10ml
RM140.00 -
Integumentary System 10ml
RM140.00 -
Migraine 10ml
RM130.00 -
Muscle Ache 10ml
RM108.00 -
Peace & Calming 10ml